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Hello, my name is Maria and I am from Argentina, I speak fluent English and, as my native language, Spanish.
Since I got certificated as a Bilingual Assistant on Spanish to English in 1999 I started teaching Spanish to foreigners.
I really consider Lan
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Hasta 250 palabras
ARS 1,100
Text translation from Spanish to English or from English to Spanish with a maximum of 250 words in the original text.
¿Qué incluye?
- Revisiones: 3
- Tiempo estimado: 3 días
De 251 a 1000 palabras
ARS 4,200
Text translation from Spanish to English or from English to Spanish with 251 words to 1000 words in the original text.
¿Qué incluye?
- Revisiones: 5
- Tiempo estimado: 5 días
Más de 1000 palabras
ARS 8,260
Text translation from Spanish to English or from English to Spanish with more than 1000 words in the original text.
¿Qué incluye?
- Revisiones: 7
- Tiempo estimado: 15 días
Nombre | Hasta 250 palabras | De 251 a 1000 palabras | Más de 1000 palabras |
Descripción | Text translation from Spanish to English or from English to Spanish with a maximum of 250 words in the original text. | Text translation from Spanish to English or from English to Spanish with 251 words to 1000 words in the original text. |
Text translation from Spanish to English or from English to Spanish with more than 1000 words in the original text. |
Tiempo estimado | 3 días | 5 días | 15 días |
Revisiones | 3 | 5 | 7 |
Precio | ARS 1,100 | ARS 4,200 | ARS 8,260 |
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