Traducción de textos en inglés al Español o viceversa

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ARS 8,260 Premium
Entrega en 15 días
7 Revisiones
Text translation from Spanish to English or from English to Spanish with more than 1000 words in the original text.
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ARS 4,200 Estándar
Entrega en 5 días
5 Revisiones
DE 251 A 1000 PALABRAS
Text translation from Spanish to English or from English to Spanish with 251 words to 1000 words in the original text.
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ARS 1,100 Básico
Entrega en 3 días
3 Revisiones
Text translation from Spanish to English or from English to Spanish with a maximum of 250 words in the original text.
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  • Aseguramos tu dinero hasta que estés satisfecho con el trabajo entregado.
  • Garantizamos la entrega del trabajo o te devolvemos el dinero.

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Hello, my name is Maria and I am from Argentina, I speak fluent English and, as my native language, Spanish.
Since I got certificated as a Bilingual Assistant on Spanish to English in 1999 I started teaching Spanish to foreigners.
I really consider Lan

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Hasta 250 palabras
ARS 1,100
Text translation from Spanish to English or from English to Spanish with a maximum of 250 words in the original text.
¿Qué incluye?
  • Revisiones: 3
  • Tiempo estimado: 3 días
De 251 a 1000 palabras
ARS 4,200
Text translation from Spanish to English or from English to Spanish with 251 words to 1000 words in the original text.
¿Qué incluye?
  • Revisiones: 5
  • Tiempo estimado: 5 días
Más de 1000 palabras
ARS 8,260
Text translation from Spanish to English or from English to Spanish with more than 1000 words in the original text.
¿Qué incluye?
  • Revisiones: 7
  • Tiempo estimado: 15 días
Nombre Hasta 250 palabras De 251 a 1000 palabras Más de 1000 palabras
Descripción Text translation from Spanish to English or from English to Spanish with a maximum of 250 words in the original text. Text translation from Spanish to English or from English to Spanish with 251 words to 1000 words in the original text.
Text translation from Spanish to English or from English to Spanish with more than 1000 words in the original text.
Tiempo estimado 3 días 5 días 15 días
Revisiones 3 5 7
Precio ARS 1,100 ARS 4,200 ARS 8,260

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